To apply for a job posting, please follow these steps:

  1. First be sure you have registered as a Job Seeker and are logged into your account. If you need to register click here
  2. Once you are logged in, you will need to post your resume.
  3. Once you have posted your resume you are now ready to apply for jobs you find on MissionJobs.
  4. When you find a job you wish to apply for, on the job posting page, select the blue “Apply Now” button at the bottom of the job description.
  5. A window will display that will allow you to choose the resume you wish to send to the employer with your application. If you are a premium member you may have up to 3 resumes on file at a time, so this is where you would choose which resume to send.
  6. You will also want to type a cover letter/letter of introduction to the employer to be accompanied with your resume to apply for their open position.
  7. Once you have selected your resume and written your cover letter, select the "Send Resume" button. Your job application will then be submitted to that employer.